I just heard a whisper and it is telling me to…

Lyle Grossi
7 min readNov 11, 2020
“It started with a whisper…” — Neon Trees

Dance. Sing. Write. Read. Play. Hide. Love. Hate. Laugh. Cry.

You get the point right? Our actions decide how we choose to move on with our daily moment. These decisions we need to make either harm us or help us.

How disastrous this must be if Thanos is voice whispering in your ear? Will he also tell you to destroy half of the living Universe?

You, me, and we decide how we react to situations presented to us. Is each choice as easy as answering yes or no? Hell no! This is a survey given to you about your experience with a Door Dasher delivering your food.

By slowing ourselves, figuring out what drives our life. Then, we can realize the nitty gritty what gets our juices pumping and flowing! Life is too short to wait in the day to day mundane of time.

Ask yourself these three questions before you encounter this next whisper:

  1. How does this information serve you now?
  2. Has this whisper been the same or different than past ones?
  3. What would you future self think of you?

Yes, these question range from the present, past, and future. Often times, this is how I reflect on the world around me. Live in this present; feel it, experience it, encourage it, but do not let it be the downfall to the rest of your day or life.

Each decision I had made in my past is deeply rooted in previous experience never learning from them; let’s call this factor wisdom.

FYI: You do not have to be an old person to be considered wise. This theory has been outdated, I hope!

We can learn a lot from someone younger than us. Why not look any further than our younger selves who have been through many past experiences and earning a lot of credibility within your being. Or would you rather resort your guidance solely from the “experts” who know nothing about you, but make generalizations about the person who you may be?

No thank you. I am the expert of me. You are the expert of you. We have the power to figure it out within ourselves before getting guidance from somebody else.

Am I discrediting people in your life who you value their opinion and perspective on the world? No, you need those people to set you up for what I am about to tell you next.

The answers are composed in your heart, mind, and soul. You may have heard this before I am sure. Probably not Tony Robbins, never heard him talk about these connecting pieces of your puzzle. (If you find information proving me wrong, I am more than willing to accept my mistake.)

Where to start first you ask? You came to the write article and author for this my friend!


“There is no charm equal to the tenderness of the heart.” — Jane Austen

It beats simply to keep our bodies functioning properly. The fundamental action of the heart is providing nutrients to all of our organs. I mean scientifically without going meta here, the heart is the lead singer to your favorite rock bank. For me this would me Caleb Followill…shout out to anyone who can give which band he is a part of.

Speaking on lead singers, these questions you can consider as you think through choices you may make:

  • How does your heart sing during different situations?
  • Does it beat to a different drum than what you are thinking?
  • When the concert comes to a close, do you feel differently?

If you did not get my metaphorical references than too bad for you! I kid. Do you really think of would leave you hanging like that without a deeper look into this. Actually I am not going deeper into it. This is the teacher in me I guess. At least I warned before posing anymore questions in this article.

Self-discovery within the heart is key. There are many songs, poems, books, and etc which all brings this theme of discovery within one’s heart to be a magical moment. (Not Disney magical, but just as spectacular!)

We are guided by the heart naturally to feel our way through difficult situations that may alter our perception of the world. Growth happens this way. Embrace it and do not hide from it. Take it from me, you will lose out on valuable means of understanding as to who you are.


“Your thoughts are seeds that you plant.” — Dr. Wayne Dryer

The mind; brain is unique, special, and to be honest weird. Think of it this way! (Yes, using your brain for the 1,000th time today.) Each of our brains’ work different in a backwards way according to scientific articles and basic understanding of how you work mentally. I would suggest to read up on what experts say about your mind, feelings, and other challenges you may face mentally, but doing the deep work. But also do not just rely on these individuals, do the work on yourself by understanding the environments and circumstances you go into.

For instance, when Cliff comes into Cheers he is comforted by Norm, Sam and Carla who are all there to support him to reflect on the day. This gives him a certain mood whenever he goes to this place each day and makes the choice to drink to unwind as well. Does this provide balance within his life you think?

Another example, Dexter starts to bring donuts to his coworkers at the homicide unit for Miami PD, but then suddenly the donuts are not longer apart of his ritual. What changed? Did the environment change him or was there something deeper happening here? (To all of the Dexter fans out there, the ending was not as bad as it could be.)

Last one I promise! Jon Snow spends his first night with Ygritte in the cave. If you saw the show, you know what Jon knows a lot more about the next morning! Did he circumstances change he decisions?

Our minds work in a miraculous way to be completely honest here!

Questions to consider when moving with your brain:

  • Where does your mind take you?
  • Are you mindfully on this journey?
  • Would you like to start a journey today? (Today is the best day to begin…practically anything, so get moving!)
  • How can you help out a loved one to get started?

Seems like you have a place to get started on this adventure. Reminder that inaction leads nowhere, actually remaining where you are right now. Innate to not proceed with with the ability comprehend what you want and what you need. Tis’ the question I have for you…who are you down to the core? Whenever you answer or know this question, the mind will begin to come align with what you need in life.


“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” — Caroline Myss

Full connection to all parts of yourself rest within your soul. So-called the body that is not in flesh form but more as an extension of yourself. When you consider this, it is quite fascinating to believe you have deeper self just what you can touch. Even if this is too hard to believe, religion also provides a space for this in theirs teachings along with other practices such as meditation and yoga to also name a few. There are other means to get a deeper connection to the soul as well, so just leave in the comment section if you have other suggestions to provide!

Look inwards, to see outwards. This is how the soul is viewed to me, alone, or am I alone on this? But you may agree or disagree based on your perception of self. There are many sides of me, of you, and of us. The soul has these sides as well which reveal ourselves. Maybe, something unknown to you that whispers to you in the early hours of the day. But for this, I believe self-discovery to be key here. Go out and find yourself; well your soul. Report back to yourself on what you discover and accept it. This is you, all about you.

I believe in you. I believe you believe in you. And we all believe in each other. Well this is just a domino effect to where exactly? I am unaware, but it felt good to tell you this.

I hope it felt good to you too! Allow these whispers to continue to guide your journey. You are on your way to take on what drives your heart, mind, and soul. Once this connection is genuinely made, you are set for life.

As always, stay well friends. Remember to be kind to yourself and be kind to others.

